We're a Yorkshire Day Competition Winner!
Thanks to the lovely folk at Made In Yorkshire and their Yorkshire Day Giveaway, design dpi are the proud winners of a Yorkshire music bundle.
Yorkshire Day is on the 1st of August every year and this year Made In Yorkshire decided to run their most excellent competition. It's only fair that someone born in 1975 and who grew up near Beverley, and went to secondary school in Beverley should win the music bundle.
You see, Yorkshire Day originally began in 1975, by the Yorkshire Ridings Society... in Beverley, East Yorkshire. It started initially as a protest against the Local Government re-organisation of 1974.
In order to win the music bundle, you had to answer two questions based on Yorkshire place names. The first one was a riddle, the place name has 6 letters:
The second was an anagram:
Answers at the bottom of the page, after the sig'
A week after entering the competition an email was received "We have some exciting news for you!!!"... and here's what we won:

Just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Made In Yorkshire not just for running the competition and the prizes, but also for introducing us to some fantastic Yorkshire music acts.
Answers: 1. Settle 2. Easingwold